Let's Care in The Evidence of Education
What are the theoretical foundations of Let’s Care?
The inaugural presentation of the Zaragoza 2024Education Tests was dedicated to the European Let’s Care project.
What is attachment? How does attachment affect learning and well-being in school? How does educational exclusion impact attachment? How can we develop an ecology of attachment in the school? Attachment is a child’s right, a matter of justice and a key requirement for resilience.
Professor and researcher Ana Berástegui shared the keys to attachment theory that underpin the project.
Let’s Care: Attachment as a cornerstone of school success
About the speaker
D. in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and professor of Psychological Intervention in contexts of exclusion. He directs the University Institute of the Family and the Chair of Family and Disability: Repsol-Down Madrid Foundation. The main focus of her research is the importance of the family in the development of children in contexts of diversity and vulnerability. She is co-founder of the Primera Alianza team.
About Let's Care
The Promaestro Foundation participates in this European project with 14 partners from 9 countries, which aims to improve the care dimension of educational inclusion and school success. Let’s Care promotes Safe Learning, Safe Teaching, Safe Schools and Safe Education. The project receives funding from the Horizon Europe program and is coordinated by Comillas Pontifical University.
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We bring teachers and the entire educational community closer to the latest findings of scientific research in education. Through workshops and presentations, experts and professionals in the educational field present the empirical evidence supporting different claims, practices and methodologies. Thanks to The Evidence of Education, scientific knowledge is truly at the service of day-to-day life in the classroom.