Speak up, teachers!

It doesn’t matter WHERE. It matters WHO. Society needs TEACHERS to speak out.

Fundación Promaestro promotes dialogues, talks, debates and meetings between teachers. Teachers Marta Sandoval and Ana Camarero have shared with us how they understand their profession; how they prepare their classes; how they relate to their students; what they have in common and what their fears, certainties and hopes are. Marta is an Early Childhood Education teacher and Ana is a Secondary School teacher. Both have gone through a Teachers’ Think Tank to design practices with peers and observe each other in the classroom.

We have gathered them in an artist’s studio, but remember: it doesn’t matter where, it matters who… so speak up, teachers!

For Ana Camarero, quantitative assessment is much more limited than qualitative assessment; it is not really useful for the student to learn something in depth and, nevertheless, it can generate tremendous anxiety, especially in courses such as 2nd year of Bachillerato. The great challenges in education, in his opinion, have to do with helping those students who either have difficulty learning or are not interested in learning at all.

Marta Sandoval also constantly wonders if her students learn. For her, educational legislation does not adequately address the needs of children, and focuses on the excessive bureaucratic burden it imposes on teachers. In addition, Marta considers how educational inspection could improve its role and argues against the overprotection of children: an overprotection that can even hinder learning.

Speak up, teachers! (The complete conversation)

Notice how Ana went from understanding her vocation, linking it first to the content she taught, to later discovering the most beautiful thing: “accompanying adolescents in a vital moment“. She smiles with Marta as she recalls how she always knew she wanted to be a teacher but, until very late in life, didn’t know what she had to study to get it! Listen also to how much their way of teaching has changed, what things they have learned from their peers, what educational practices they have implemented lately, what are the subject classrooms… and the “casimeritos” (or KSI-Meritos). Listen to the full conversation of
Speak up, teachers!
conversation below.

The conversation of ¡Hablad docentes! was recorded in September 2019, in the workshop of artist Nicolás González-Camino.

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