The webseries What Education is composed of 15 video pills to watch, comment and share(#WhatEducation). Each video-pill explains a dimension of the school and the educational system with the help of a guest signature. The invited authors are Elvira Lindo, Ana Hernández, Albert Reverter, Miriam Campos Leiros, Toni Solano, Jesús Manso, Jordi Martí, Estrella López Aguilar, Lucas Gortazar, Gregorio Luri, Mariví Vega, Carlos Magro, Carlos Gallego and Antonio Montero Alcaide. Beatriz Arjona is Bea, the main teacher, and Antonio Esquivias lends his voice to the narrator. The webseries has been filmed with the collaboration of the Faculty of Philology of the UCM, the CEIP Ntra. Sra. de la Concepción, el Colegio Santa Susana y la Escuela de Filosofía. All episodes have been directed by Alberto Carpintero and written by Nacho Sánchez and Alberto Carpintero. The webseries What Education is a cultural and informative project produced by the Promaestro Foundation.

Webserie What an Education: Treatment begins!

A place called school

Title: Un lugar llamado escuela. Firma invitada: Elvira Lindo (escritora y periodista). If you like, like, comment and share.

The club of 25

Title: El club de los 25. Firma invitada: Ana Hernández Revuelta (Secretaria General de la Asociación Mejora tu Escuela Pública y jefa de estudios del IES Julio Verne).

A methodology to educate them all

Title: A methodology to educate them all (special World Teachers’ Day). Firma invitada: Albert Reverter (Maestro y divulgador).

The fat book of Primary

El libro gordo de Primaria. Firma invitada: Miriam C. Leiros (maestra y bloguera).

THAT is war

ESO es la guerra. Firma invitada: Toni Solano (director IES Bovalar y bloguero).

Teacher... Hard To Kill

Maestro… De profesión: duro. Firma invitada: Jesús Manso (profesor e investigador especialista en formación del profesorado y políticas educativas en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

The strange case of FP

El extraño caso de la FP y de la FP Básica. Firma invitada: Jordi Martí (docente y bloguero educativo)

Teachers wear Prada


The rear window of Education

La ventana indiscreta de la Educación. Preguntamos al filósofo y pedagogo Gregorio Luri si el conocimiento está en internet…

Early Childhood Education: Alone in the face of danger


Be Competent!

Be Competent! Con la ayuda de Carlos Magro, vicepresidente de la Asociación Educación Abierta, te contamos qué es el aprendizaje por competencias.

Evaluating is not so easy


The curriculum and the hand that rocks the cradle

The Baccalaureate or Victorian Drama

This Is The End

The school year is over and Bea is going on vacation. If you want me to come back in September… Like, comment and share!

The webseries #WhatanEducation in the press and media

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