Our Mission

Fundación Promaestro is a private, non-profit, non-denominational and independent entity established in 2014 with the purpose of strengthening the teaching profession. We stand up for an inclusive, equitable and quality school and work to foster a culture that promotes and recognizes teachers as the professionals they are and without whom it would be impossible to improve education.

The projects we develop, both inside and outside schools, include consultancy and research work, communication campaigns and educational intervention programs.

The Promaestro Foundation is…

With teachers, for education

Education scene

For inclusive, equitable and quality education

Young people today receive a much better education than their parents and grandparents did thanks to the collective effort of teachers, educators, families and politicians. In just three decades we have reached milestones that have enabled us to overcome centuries of backwardness. The main ones, the full literacy of society and the schooling of all children under 16 years of age.

But the challenges of the 21st century are different from those of the past and now it is no longer just a matter of going to school; now we must be concerned about what each child achieves once inside; now we must strive for inclusive, equitable and quality education for all, everywhere and regardless of socio-economic background (Sustainable Development Goal 4).

Some basic data

For this reason, we at Fundación Promaestro would like to share some basic data to find out how things are going in our educational system: what barriers need to be eliminated, what threats to combat, what paths to follow, what relationships to take care of and, perhaps most importantly, who to trust. Click on each image to enlarge and discover the educational landscape in which we move…

To learn more